Sometimes we tend to deny our feelings to someone because we knew that there is something wrong with him/her.

Thursday, December 10, 2015

12 wishes for Christmas...

12 wishes for Christmas...

1. To be with Mommy.
2. To be with Mommy.
3. To be with Mommy.
4. To be with Mommy...and Daddy.
5. Boyfriend.
6. Books.
7. Lipstick.
8. Approved manuscripts.
9. Approved manuscripts.
10. Books.
11. To be with Mommy.
12. To be with Mommy.

Dear Santa, I want all of it... but want is different from need, ayt? Can you please even just fulfill my needs?


All right.

Needs in the wish list:

Wish number 1, 2, 3, 4, 11 and 12.

