Sometimes we tend to deny our feelings to someone because we knew that there is something wrong with him/her.

Friday, February 24, 2012

Life in BS Accountancy

Hey. Good eve. I'm just browsing my notes in my FB account when I saw this and I decided, even if I can't relate by now because I'm not an accountancy student anymore, to post it. Anyway, I've been a part and I know I will still do this things because I'm still in business course. My 2nd course have also an "accounting" in its name so accounting is also part of it.

...big yellow sheets
...several huge notebooks
...brain-whacking terms
...millions of numbers
...struggling calculators
...statements to finish
...feasibility study practice
...thick books to read
...rushing late night work
...ugly eye bags
...unbalance sum reports
...accuracy problems
...toxic lifestyle
...constant lack of sleep
...nose bleeding final exam
...heart stopping results
...die hard friendships
...people call it “ACCOUNTANCY”...
we call it “LIFE”!

So TRUE. I've been there and its really hell. So Accounting majors, relate? :)

Azec Chase. ♥

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