Sometimes we tend to deny our feelings to someone because we knew that there is something wrong with him/her.

Thursday, September 20, 2012

Of stress and plot...

Today is a very stressful day! First day in the morning, I almost shout at our room telling my classmates I forgot to bring a calculator. We have 2 exams for the day that badly needs a calculator, Taxation and Financial Accounting 2. I left my calculator at home because I "tried" to study at my room last night and I forgot to put it in my bag when I left. Good thing I was able to borrow from my classmate in BSA because there first class doesn't use calculator.

Exam in Tax was okay. Its hard, maybe because we can't compute some of the problems but some theories there are okay. I studied a little in Tax that's why I was able to answer some. But in FA and Law, I didn't so my exam is a total disaster. Especially that I didn't expected that our exam would be that hard!

I don't have that much problem in Financial Accounting because I knew how my teacher made exams. It was more on theories and less computations/problems. But darn! This semi-final exam is more on problems! I tried to study in my vacant hour with the subject and I just studied the theories and never look at the problems! So think how miserable I am while taking that darn exam! And law---I thought it would be easy too because I've heard that our example would be just True or False. But darn! Even if its just a True or False type of exam, I was miserable again. Why? Because I didn't study again and I thought that our exam is more in situational problems. Its more on terms that I really haven't look at.

But while answering and try to review for my exams, I got the time to think of a plot. And yessss, A PLOT! For a new trilogy I would like to start. Hahahah! Darn you, Accounting! Its all because of you!

Because of my major and course, I love to have this trilogy that is related with that. Like the names of the characters and all. Stock, Bond and Cash! Ho-ho. And I also thought of a name for the trilogy. But it will still be a secret. Why? Because I don't know if I really would pursue this. But maybe... Maybe, I will. Sembreak itineraries?! I hope I could.

#Nonsense post


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